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Reverse Job Switchers Signal Playbook

Get help breaking into target accounts through former employees.

Playbook Overview
When should you run this playbook?
You see high turnover among your product champions, either at the company or industry level.
You have a healthy book of business and are focused on warm outbound to land new accounts.
Who to target?
New employee(s) at a happy account who joined from a target account.
Playbook goal?
Increase revenue through new account conversion.
Responsible team(s)?
  • This playbook doesn’t need to be complicated to be effective. Running a reverse job switchers playbook is all about building and maintaining positive relationships with your customers and champions.
  • Tracking the signal of job switching can be time-consuming when done manually. We recommend automating this process with a tool like Pocus Job Switchers.
  • Prioritize job switchers based on their position and the companies they’ve joined from. High-level new hires that were previously at target accounts are the ideal candidates to make introductions to their former coworkers.
  • Be sure to test the variables in your playbook, like outreach timing and message content. Depending on industry and budget, including a welcome gift as part of your outreach could help boost your conversion rate.

What is the key signal?

You may be familiar with the job switchers playbook, when an employee at one of your accounts who uses your product switches to a new job at a new company. The reverse job switchers playbook works very similarly, but uses the signal of a new product champion who joined from a previous role at a target account.

Knowing about these new hires can help you establish an in with their former coworkers at the accounts you’re working to win. Not only do these new employees likely have strong connections with their old colleagues, but they can also provide a highly trustworthy customer testimonial. 

This reverse job switchers playbook can help you capitalize on this ultra-warm introduction opportunity.

What is the goal?

Land new business with target accounts. Use your existing product champion to establish trust, expertise, and proof of ROI with a new opportunity.

Who should use this target?

The reverse job switchers playbook is ideal for sales teams focused on generating pipeline through warm outbound. The playbook works best in three scenarios:

  1. You sell to a high-turnover industry where decision makers and product champions change companies every year or two. A great example is sales software since the average tenure of a salesperson is less than one year. 
  2. You have a healthy book of business and strong personal relationships with your accounts. In this scenario you may not generate a high volume of reverse job switcher leads, but the opportunities you surface are highly valuable.

Try This Playbook

Step 1

Track new hires among your top accounts. The most efficient way to do this is via automation, like Pocus’ Job Switcher feature. Let Pocus proactively surface these job switchers to you. Alternatively, you can block time on your calendar on a recurring schedule to search LinkedIn and find recent job switchers. 

Step 2

Time your outreach. Aim to reach out a few months after someone has switched roles. Give them time to become savvy product users and champions before you ask for an introduction to their former coworkers.

Step 3 

Ask for a warm introduction at your target account. When you see that a newer hire has become an avid product user, send a friendly message to connect. Check in to ask for feedback and offer support. After establishing rapport, you can ask for an intro to their former colleagues at your target account.

Sales Outreach Example

Not sure how to craft your message? Don’t make your first email overtly a pitch. Remember, you’re reaching out because they’re new to their role and you want to build a relationship. Show them you appreciate them championing your product and offer them the opportunity to provide feedback or ask questions. 

Hey [First Name],

Congratulations on joining [company name]! Now that you’ve had a few weeks to get up to speed in your role, I wanted to reach out and offer any support you might need. 

Would love to learn more about your new role and how your experience using [product] has been thus far.

Enable this playbook in Pocus

  1. Connect your relevant data sources.
  2. Select your goal (in this case, Conversion).
  3. Build your playbook based on the signal (trigger) and actions outlined above.
  4. Run the playbook by rolling it out to the relevant members of your team.
  5. Iterate over time based on reporting and results. You may find ways to improve this playbook’s effectiveness beyond what we’ve outlined here!

Alexa Grabell
Co-Founder & CEO at Pocus

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