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Website Visitors Signal Playbook

Capitalize on the intent signals you can capture on your own website to drive a hybrid inbound/outbound sales approach.

Playbook Overview
When should you run this playbook?
You want to boost your inbound sales motion.
You have easily identifiable high-intent pages on your website, like the pricing page or competitor teardowns.
Who to target?
Target accounts and ideal customer profiles (ICPs) visiting high-intent pages of your website.
Playbook goal?
Drive revenue through new account conversion.
Responsible team(s)?
  • Capitalize on the intent signals you can capture on your own website to drive a hybrid inbound/outbound sales approach.
  • Website visitor traffic can be divided between automated marketing campaigns and personalized sales outreach to more efficiently drive the sales cycle.
  • If your business is unable to use de-anonymized visitor data consider implementing high-value gated content to capture contact information.

What is the key signal?

As prospects enter the consideration phase of their buying cycle, they’ll often begin to do their own research by visiting the websites of the companies they’re considering. These visits can provide valuable information to sales and marketing teams, including who is viewing their site, which pages they’re viewing, and how frequently they’re revisiting. The key is using a tool with robust data, such as Pocus’ Website Tracking, so you can go beyond generic traffic information and get the precise contact information you need.

Determining intent with website visitors requires a bit of data interpretation by reviewing the quantity of visits or time spent and the quality of the information on the pages your ICPs are visiting. Not all traffic is equally valuable.

High Intent Traffic

  • A surge in traffic from a specific target account in a short window of time.
  • Visits from an ICP to the pricing page or competitor comparison page.
  • Increased engagement from an ICP with marketing content like webinars, white papers, and blog posts.

Low Intent Traffic

  • Visits from an ICP to the careers page.
  • Visits from a target account team that your product does not serve (i.e. sales or marketing).
  • Visits to the homepage to log into your product.

With website de-anonymization technology, you can see which companies are visiting your site and which specific pages they’ve visited. The website visitor playbook detailed below will help sales and marketing teams understand how to get the most out of this signal to drive the sales process forward at scale.

What is the goal?

Land new business with target accounts. Use website visitor information to target the right people with the right information in your outreach, helping you to stay top-of-mind during the research and evaluation phase of their purchase consideration. 

Who should use this target?

The website visitors playbook is ideal for companies focused on building their inbound sales and marketing motions. To see success, your website should have at least one page with information that high-intent buyers need or want, like pricing, implementation requirements, or compelling thought leadership.

Website visitor data is valuable to both the sales and marketing teams and can help the two work together to speed up the typical sales cycle. Sales can use visitor contact information to reach out directly to decision-makers and build relationships while marketing can build automated lead-warming flows and sales enablement collateral based on trends from visitor data. 

Try This Playbook

Step 1

Identify your high-intent content. Create a list of pages that a prospect is most likely to engage with when considering your product. Don’t forget to include popular marketing content pages, like whitepapers, annual reports, and blog posts. Deciding which pages are not good indicators of buying intent is also useful during this step. Typically log-in and career page visits are best to exclude.

Step 2

Implement website visitor tracking. There are a variety of website tracking tools available, including one from Pocus. Add the snippet to high-intent pages on your marketing website.  Be sure to understand the implementation requirements and local laws governing data collection. 

Step 3 

Map outreach strategy. Determine which visitors will be owned by marketing vs sales. Dividing outreach ownership by visitor seniority and page interaction can be a good strategy. For example, visits from IC employees at target accounts or to pages like the company blog are ideal for marketing to provide lead warming and sales enablement. Visits from decision-makers, especially to high-intent pages, should trigger personal sales outreach. By using a platform like Pocus you can create sub-playbooks that automatically route leads to the correct team for action to avoid having to manually sort through visitor data. 

The key to successful website visitor outreach is remembering three messaging pillars:

  1. Be timely. No matter which team owns the outreach it’s important to remember that website visitor signals are very time-sensitive. Prospects are actively seeking information now, so be sure to follow up as quickly as possible to ensure you stay top-of-mind and are able to beat out your competitors.
  2. Be relevant. Provide resources or information related to the content your prospect was seeking out. Share recordings of past webinars, case studies from competitors who use your product, or more detailed pricing information, tailored to their unique needs.
  3. Be subtle. Use discretion in sharing how much personal data you know about your visitors. Avoid offputting levels of detail, like how long they stayed on a page, precise dates and times of the visit, and information about which specific sequence of actions they took.

Step 4

Test and iterate on your messaging. As you gather more data about website visitor behavior and their response to your follow-up outreach you’ll be able to further refine your messages and timing. Keep testing new strategies and targeting to find incremental wins. Not sure where to start? Try our outreach examples below.

Sales Outreach Example

Hi  [Name],

I noticed you might be interested in [specific topic] on our site. We've helped companies like [relevant client] achieve [key outcome]. Let's discuss how we can do the same for [prospect's company]. 

Do you have time next week for a brief call? 

Marketing Outreach Example

We’ll cut right to the chase: we noticed you checking us out! 

Thinking about [product category]? Here are 3 of our most popular [pieces of content] that we think you might find useful.

  1. [Content name w/ link] - [One-line description]
  2. [Content name w/ link] - [One-line description]
  3. [Content name w/ link] - [One-line description]

Take a look and let us know if we can answer any product or integration questions!

Enable this playbook in Pocus

  1. Connect your relevant data sources.
  2. Select your goal (in this case, Conversion).
  3. Build your playbook based on the signal (trigger) and actions outlined above.
  4. Run the playbook by rolling it out to the relevant members of your team.
  5. Iterate over time based on reporting and results. You may find ways to improve this playbook’s effectiveness beyond what we’ve outlined here!
Alexa Grabell
Co-Founder & CEO at Pocus

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