Announcing $23M to transform how go-to-market teams use data to drive revenue

Pocus’ Product-Led Sales platform unlocks the data warehouse for go-to-market teams.

Alexa Grabell
June 22, 2022
Announcing $23M to transform how go-to-market teams use data to drive revenue


It’s been one year since we founded Pocus. Since then, we’ve raised two rounds of funding, pioneered the Product-Led Sales category, built a feature-robust platform that drives meaningful impact for our customers, generated a waitlist of hundreds of companies, and built a 1,300 member community. 

Today, we're proud to announce that we've closed $23 million in funding to transform how go-to-market teams use data to drive revenue. 

Our momentum would not be possible without our early customers and community members. A huge shout out and THANK YOU. Together, we are building the future of go-to-market and Product-Led Sales. We’re proud to be on this journey with you.

The funding news 

Pocus’ Series A was led by Coatue with participation from First Round Capital, Box Group, GTM fund and Chainsmokers(Mantis VC). We’re fortunate to have the support from the best angels in PLG (Aaron Katz, Akshay Kothari, GC Lionetti, Jack Altman, Sri Viswanath, Abhinav Asthana), data (Barr Moses, Tristan Handy, Adam Blitzer), community (Ben Lang, Lenny Rachitsky, Packy McCormick), company building (Allison Pickens, Scott Belsky, Max Mullen, Christian Cacioppo, Scott Williamson)... and many more.

We’re excited to partner with our investors at Coatue, who have invested in the most successful PLG businesses like Notion, Figma, and Loom and data companies like Snowflake, Databricks, and Clickhouse, to make this future a reality. 

“For today's winning go-to-market teams, having access to the right data at the right time is essential for success," explained Andy Chen, General Partner at Coatue. "As a data-driven investor, Coatue is particularly impressed by Pocus' flexible, no-code solution that bridges the gap between technical and non-technical teams. We are thrilled to support the Pocus team as they help organizations drive revenue by unlocking the power of data."

With this round of funding, we’ll bring Pocus to more customers and further our vision to unlock the data warehouse for go-to-market teams.

Go-to-market teams deserve better tools

Talking with hundreds of go-to-market teams, a common theme emerged: every team needs product-usage data to power their sales, marketing, and success efforts. But, accessing and actioning product-usage data is a struggle. Companies cobble together DIY solutions, which takes years of effort across data, engineering, and ops. And in the end, the result is not user-friendly. 

I felt this pain myself while leading sales strategy and operations at Dataminr. I constantly got requests from sales, marketing, success, and leadership to build dashboards and workflows around product-usage data. The tools at my disposal only did half the job, and the team was never fully satisfied with the result. 

That’s why Isaac and I started Pocus, a Product-Led Sales platform that helps modern go-to-market teams turn product data into revenue. Our no-code interface lets non-technical teams use information locked in the data warehouse and join it with customer data (from the CRM) to uncover the best opportunities and take the right action.

No one-size-fits-all playbooks

Over the last year, we spent countless hours with our customers to validate our assumptions about what the next generation of go-to-market teams needs. We zeroed in on three key insights: 

  1. Flexibility for every type of SaaS business. From productivity tools to developer tools to B2C apps, Pocus can be used by a wide variety of SaaS businesses for a range of go-to-market motions. We know that every go-to-market motion looks different, so we invested a ton of time into building an underlying data model that can flex to customers’ needs. This means that customers are not forced into a rigid data hierarchy.
  2. No-code tools for experimentation by non-technical teams. Our no-code interface puts go-to-market teams in control. Customers can set up a new PQL score, add attributes to existing scores, create a brand new customer segment, and test automations in minutes, not weeks. Sales, customer success, and marketing teams should not need to learn SQL to do their jobs well. We make it easy for the least technical teams to drive real business value with data.
  3. Speed from insights to actions. Insights need to be both explainable and easily actionable. Go-to-market teams don’t need another black-box lead score. They crave context that is easy to action in their workflow. That's why we built Pocus’ insights to be fully transparent to give teams as much or as little context as they desire. From there, we suggest workflows for actioning that data like Slack alerts, updating the CRM, launching a new email sequence, and more. 

Customers 💜 Pocus

Customers like Clockwise, Linear, and OpenPhone, are using Pocus to uncover millions in new revenue opportunities, accelerate time to value for extracting insights from product data, and enable rapid experimentation for non-technical teams. 

Before Pocus, the team at Clockwise was spending hours working with reactive data in silos across various tools. Today, the Clockwise team spends more time on what matters most: engaging with customers. 

The result? A data-driven team, streamlined revenue operations, increased velocity on PQLs, and new business opportunities uncovered.

Here’s what some of our other customers are saying about Pocus: 

The future of data-driven go-to-market

Today, sales teams at PLG companies use Pocus to supercharge customer acquisition, conversion, and expansion. 

This is just the beginning. 

Our vision for the future is to bring the power of data to non-technical teams (sales, marketing, customer success, growth) at every type of company (PLG, sales-led, hybrid). 

Through a flexible, no-code interface, Pocus unlocks this future. 

Increasingly, companies are adopting the data warehouse as their system of record. Pocus lives on top of the data warehouse as an intuitive, easy-to-use, powerful interface for GTM teams

Helping sales reps at PLG companies convert PQLs is just the beginning. Pocus enables insights across the user journey so users can understand the important moments and pull the right levers at the right time. Whether it’s an SDR prospecting or a  CSM looking for expansion opportunities and preventing existing accounts from churning.  

Not just a product, a movement

A bonus insight from the last year is the importance of community. Product-Led Sales is a new muscle for go-to-market teams. As more teams discover the power of product data, the need for frameworks, playbooks, and expertise only grows. 

That’s why we’re not just building a product, but also a community and category. We need to learn, grow, and build the best Product-Led Sales motions, together. This cannot happen in our own siloed organizations - we must share notes, best practices, and frameworks.

What started as a 20-person Slack group in July has organically grown to an active community of 1,300 members passionate about the future of data-driven sales. Pocus’ Product-Led Sales community has experts across every go-to-market role from top PLG companies like Slack, Calendly, Airtable, Asana, and more.

👉 Request an invite to Pocus’ private Slack to connect with GTM leaders 1:1, in exclusive live community AMAs, and workshops. 

Join us

We’ve assembled a small but mighty team of ambitious, customer-obsessed, and humble folks. We’re hiring across the board for engineering, marketing, product design, and more!  

👉 Join our growing team! 

Get access

Want early access to Pocus? We’re onboarding more and more customers off of our waitlist, so send us a note about why you need Pocus. We’re excited to hear from you!

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About the author
Alexa Grabell
Co-Founder & CEO at Pocus
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